How does compression stockings help
TXG compression stockings
Take care of your heart right now!
As a proverb goes: the root vanished before the tree aging while the decrepit foot prior to human body.
Do you take enough care of your feet?
Do you have below situations?
- Feel ached, swollen, numb, or tired feet
- Stand or sit for more than six hours
- Work with heavy load or under high temperature
- Often cross your legs or put on high-heeled shoes
- Constipation or have family history of blood disease
If you had any of the above situation, your second heart, the legs, are suffering extreme pressure right away.
Be sure not to awaken by spider veins clawed over your legs to detect your varicose veins.

Who needs to put on compression socks? Only who has varicose veins should wear?
The comparison charts between normal legs and varicose veins legs speak the truth.
According to this study, the venous pressure increase with the time of standing and varicose veins have higher pressure.
The venous pressure decrease after the initial stage of walking or activations due to the moving muscles, but it begins to increase again because of the muscle loosening.
TXG compression wears help venous blood flowing back to heart with graduated compression and therefore protecting your second heart, the legs.
The toothpaste extruding principle is applied to improve blood circulation from ankles to knees.
The key to excellent healthy compression stockings is our verified graduated compression.
Who needs to wear compression stockings?