Why TXG compression wears
What are compression stockings? The benefit?

TXG compression stockings are not only so-called the “slim-legs stockings” or “elastic stockings” on market, but computed graduated compression wear to the lower legs of our body.
Basing on hydrodynamics, the blood flows from high pressures to lower ones. The compression stockings create the highest pressure on ankles, reducing upward gradually and create a pushing force to central body and heart.
The circulation system of human body starts from the heart. The blood is pushed into arteries, arterioles and capillaries, and flowing back by muscle contraction and valves among veins. The fluid pressure on our feet begins to increase after we leaving our bed with time, and return to lower pressure when going back to bed or raising up our legs.
People who are used to sitting, standing or wearing high-heeled for a long period of time, with swollen turnip or varicose legs are often related to high fluid pressure on feet and worse circulation.
The gravity can be easily rid off with our compression stockings as puting up your legs or doing SPA all the time.
Who needs to wear compression stockings?